
Dear Partners & Friends,
Are you looking for an opportunity to introduce Jesus to someone? July 4th house church is a great way to do that! We will be eating together, watching fireworks, hearing an inspiring testimony from Jeff Wesko, and talking about Jesus around a campfire. Smores and fun included!! RSVP to Sarah by July 1st.
Our Uganda itinerary is planned! We will leave Nov. 23rd and arrive back in the US Dec. 6th. We are excited to take all four of our children and possibly a few more friends! Our plans include having house church in two different cities, speaking at a church, and possibly talking on a radio program as well as spending time with our fellow missionaries. We will be looking for land for HLH while we are there and also continuing to pray and plan with our friends into our continuing ministry there. More details to come! Please pray for us as we will need funds and other items to take along to use with our ministry.
We continue to support a family that is in need of food and clothes. This has given us a great opportunity to speak into their lives and encourage and pray for them. We were also able to give a few rides to a friend that had knee surgery and needed help to get to appointments. We gave away a couch to a single mother as well this past month. We were able to host a family from New Zealand YWAM in May. This gave us an opportunity to bless them and encourage them as they are home for a break. They were friends of our daughter, Jessica, who went to school in NZ and served with them at the school. We also were able to host our friend from Uganda as she is also home for a short time.
Our Youth Development Center visit was great fun as we played volleyball with a HUGE beach ball. We found many new faces this month, so we also played an ice breaker game where we threw a beach ball around a circle with different questions written on it. It’s fun and enlightening to hear their answers. We were able to encourage and pray for one girl who is leaving for another home in Philly. We are finding that the kids are quicker to share with us details of their days at the center and the staff completely trusts us to treat the kids well. We continue to look for more volunteers!! Ask us about coming with us!
Sandy H. hosted house church this past month. Worship was so beautiful this month as we sang about how beautiful Jesus’ Name is and how great our God is! To worship Him together is such a blessing and a joy! Keith shared Lamentations 3:21-23 which talks about God’s mercies being new every morning and His great faithfulness. People shared testimonies from their past week about how good and faithful God was in their lives. We are so thankful to our Daddy God that His mercy continues to encompass us each and every day.
In Christ’s Love,
Keith and Sarah Lindsay
CANDLES FOR SALE! Various sizes, shapes and scents! Proceeds go toward HLH Uganda trip
Prayer Requests:
*For a new storage place large enough to put the furniture, household goods and clothing out for people to easily view (need by 7/1)
*Continue to pray for the kids at YDC and for us when we go visit them. We want to see these kids experience God and to want Him in their lives.
* Uganda trip! Continue to pray for us to work out details and raise the funds needed If you would like to donate to that specific ministry, please mark your donations accordingly.
*We have another possible opportunity to minister in another kids home. Please pray for wisdom, timing, and volunteers!
*Baby clothes /Baby items
****Action Bibles for the YDC kids -$20.42/ea for 24 kids =$490.08
*A 16’ box truck for furniture pick up and delivery. Most of the people we give furniture to do not have a way to pick it up. Our being able to deliver it would be a big help to them. Currently we rent a U-Haul or borrow a pickup truck if it doesn’t fit in the suburban.
*A storage unit or warehouse for furniture, household supplies and clothing. *We are losing our current storage as of JUNE 1st.
*Gently Used Furniture
*Mackie Mix8 8 channel compact mixer- $89.00. This is for our expanded worship team!
*Video Camera Camcorder– $46.83 —— —— These are for us to record house church and put on our social media
*Andoer Lapel Microphone 2 pack-$19.98
Contact Info:
Keith #717-668-4979/ Sarah #717-542-3217 (this is the best way to reach us)
NEW!! Venmo- @Keith-Lindsay-19
Checks: Heavens Light House c/o 4860 Carlisle Rd Dover Pa 17315
Heavenslighthouse.org-partnership tab
Like to buy gift cards? Use Shopwithscrip.com (contact us for info)
Do you qualify for A Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) for your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD)? Consider Heavens Light House!!
(Tax refund letters are sent out at the beginning of each year) |