About Us

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Our Mission

To provide a place of restoration for those who need a place of peace and hope while experiencing the love of God.

Our Story

Heavens Light House is a holistic ministry started in 2013 by the Lindsay family. HLH started as an impossible dream that became a reality as our home became a beacon of light for those who needed a place of peace and refuge. We were a place to share stories, rest, and learn about God’s love for them. A place to receive encouragement, prayer, and healing. We then started fellowship time, a bi-weekly time of worship, spending time in God’s Word, and eating together. Then came the homeless and the addicts. Now we are hosting neighborhood events and are continuing to spread the light of Jesus wherever we go. As a holistic ministry, we seek to meet every need, from a meal, to financial assistance, to a friendly face and a cup of coffee. Our dream includes a farm with community living.

Keith and Sarah Lindsay have been married over 30 years. After speaking first by a dream to Keith, God then used the prophetic voice of Jamie Galloway to bring Heavens Light House to a reality.

Keith and Sarah have four children, two of whom still live at home. They are an active part in HLH, helping with activities, events, and other jobs that need done!

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Keith Lindsay, President

Keith – Currently Keith is managing the Harrisburg plant for York Ice Company. He loves to talk about Jesus with employees and others he meets as he works. His desire is to see everyone that steps onto HLH grounds “healed, whole and delivered”.

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Sarah Lindsay

Sarah – As Keith’s wife she wears many “shoes” in the family but her goal is to ALWAYS wear her shoes of peace!! Some of her jobs include Home School Teacher, Entrepreneur, Mentor, Counselor and Baker!! She loves to keep her family fed (especially with cookies) and on time for their sports events! Women of Destiny Coaching and Business Women is her newest adventure with God and she seeks to see women succeed not only in business but with their walk with God.

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