Dear Partners & Friends,
Merry Christmas! Apologies for the lateness of this newsletter! We are changing the format of this letter for the new year so we thought we would fill this letter with photos of our Uganda trip! We praise God for all He did while we were there, and we covet your prayers for what lies ahead!! They say a Picture is Worth a Thousand Words-so here are some snapshots of our trip. Lots of praying for people, house church, Women of Destiny meetings, meeting and playing with children and so much more!
Keith and Sarah Lindsay
HLH store: Apparel, Soy Candles (various shapes, sizes, and scents) and other products with HLH logo NEW! Uganda merchandise! All proceeds go toward our Building Fund for our Ugandan Training Center
*Baby clothes /Baby items
*A 16’ box truck (0r trailer) for furniture pickup and delivery.
*A storage unit or warehouse for furniture, household supplies and clothing.
***Mackie Mix8 8 channel compact mixer- $89.00 (Amazon).
*Video Camera Camcorder
Andover Lapel Microphone 2 pack-$19.98 (Amazon)
Contact Info:
HLH now has a dedicated phone line-our number is #717-891-2599
Keith #717-668-4979/ Sarah #717-542-3217 (this is the best way to reach us)
Venmo- @Keith-Lindsay-19
Checks: Heavens Light House c/o 4860 Carlisle Rd Dover Pa 17315
Heavenslighthouse.org-donations tab This will lead to Pay Pal
Do you qualify for A Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) for your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD)? Consider Heavens Light House!!
(Tax refund letters are sent out at the beginning of each year)