Categories: Newsletters

HLH October ’22 Newsletter



Dear Partners & Friends,

September was filled with wedding plans as our oldest daughter, Jessica, got engaged and married within one month! God is so good as He continues to train us in how to do a full-time ministry amidst working, running a business, and having a full family life! We were able to give a donated pack-n-play to a family in need and at the same time minister to the social worker that came to pick it up.

We did see a couple of “firsts” this month in HLH! Angie who is our Ministry Coordinator, ran our YDC night for the first time without us being there! She and the other volunteers did a beautiful job of sharing God with the kids as they tie dyed their t-shirts. Many of the kids had never done this before so it was fun hearing about how excited they were to get their shirts! Next month we plan to have an ice cream social and bring pumpkins to them to paint. Listed under our Needs list are the details if you want to help with the cost. Next year we will start going to YDC twice a month! We are planning to have a volunteer dinner/meeting January 2nd. If you are interested in joining this great opportunity to love on kids and share God with them this is the time to come and hear more about it! More details to come!

The other first was that we were able to share at our home church, Praise Community Church about HLH. If you go to our Facebook page, you can see the post and watch the video we were able to make.

House church was in Dallastown at the Snyder home, and we enjoyed a time of discussing how to trust God as our Father. Worship time continues to be a beautiful time of fellowshipping as a group with Noah as he leads us. This brings us to another Need! We can only support one microphone with our speaker, but we now have Noah and our daughter Rebekah singing and leading us. We also have a man willing to play his electric guitar but that is not possible until we get a mixer! This is a wonderful praise as we have been praying for a bigger worship group!

We still need around $6,000 for our family to go to Uganda. The rest of the team also needs financing as well. We believe God will provide all the funds needed! If you feel led to help us financially, see the ways below to give. Please mark Uganda in the memo. If you want to give financially for the land in Uganda, please label that as well. Part of the cost for our family includes money for a tea for women$40-60. It also includes Housing and food cost for our driver and our friend that will be traveling with us as our keyboard player. This total is: $960. Included in all of our costs is gas for the vehicles-$357. We are blessing our driver with $102 and the cost to rent a vehicle for us will be $750. HLH is also paying for our Ugandan friends to go on a boat cruise with us, that cost is: $98.

As most of you know we also love to bless and help the homeless community. We have two volunteers willing to make bags for us to hand out. We have socks and scarves but are looking for other items to put in the bags. Again, if you want to help with this, we will spend about $7/bag. We would like to have 25 bags made. Check out the Needs list if you want to help purchase these items.

This newsletter includes a lot of talk about money and needs. To be honest, we have not done a lot of asking like this over the last nine years of this ministry. However, as we have said before, God is expanding this ministry and our sphere of influence. The result of this is that we cannot do this alone!

Physically, we need volunteers to continue HLH in PA when we are in Uganda, financially we cannot support HLH in PA and a place in Uganda at the same time. The beauty of ministry is that we have been commanded by God to do it TOGETHER. We are not meant to be “islands” alone doing God’s work. We all have gifts that God has given us and to spread the gospel of Jesus we must come together to accomplish this. A huge part of spreading His Love and His Gospel includes finances. We live in a money driven world, it’s a fact. If you receive this newsletter, we know you support us somehow. We know it’s hard to receive something if we don’t let you know what is needed! We hope you ask God how you can partner with us as we move forward. As always, we are willing to share about what God has laid on our hearts!

In Christ’s Love,

                                                                        Keith and Sarah Lindsay


Sub/Sandwich Sale run by Tree of Hope Ministries. Orders collected October 1st-14th and will be delivered October 21st.

Boscov’s Friends Helping Friends Day-October 19th. A $5.00 donation receives a 25% off everything in the store that day and a chance to win a $100 gift card.                

HLH store: Apparel, Candles (various shapes, sizes, and scents) and other products with HLH logo        

Spaghetti Dinner/Silent Auction-November 19th

Heavens Light House: Silent Auction & Spaghetti Dinner (

Prayer Requests:

            *For a new storage place large enough to put the furniture, household goods and clothing out for people to easily view
            *Continue to pray for the kids at YDC and for us when we go visit them. We want to see these kids experience God and to want Him in their lives. We are seeing a great change in the staff and the kids! They want us to pray for them and with them! Praise God!
            *Uganda trip! Continue to pray for us to work out details and raise the funds needed. Also, for our Uganda trip to be fully paid for and for the finances to purchase land. We have 3 potential properties with the cost estimated between $10,000-$15,000
            *Please pray for more volunteers to want to help us with the various aspects of HLH. We are looking for a Fundraising Coordinator, a Financing Coordinator, a Volunteer Coordinator, a Partner Coordinator, and a Media Coordinator.
            *For more financial monthly partners


*Baby clothes /Baby items
**24 baseball size pumpkins, 1 gallon ice cream and ice cream toppings-YDC Oct 24th
****Action Bibles for the YDC kids -$20.42/ea. for 24 kids =$490.08
*A 16’ box truck (0r trailer) for furniture pickup and delivery.
*A storage unit or warehouse for furniture, household supplies and clothing.  
*Gently Used Furniture 
***Mackie Mix8 8 channel compact mixer$89.00 (Amazon). This is for our expanded worship team!
*Video Camera Camcorderwe would like this to record our Uganda trip and house church!
*Andoer Lapel Microphone 2 pack-$19.98 (Amazon) Needed for recording
Homeless bags:   granola bars, peanut butter crackers or other small                                                 individual snacks
                               Toothbrushes, small toothpaste
                               Combs, deodorant, or other personal hygiene items 

                               Small Kleenex packages,

Contact Info:

NEW! NEW! NEW! HLH now has a dedicated phone line-our number is #717-891-2599
Keith #717-668-4979/ Sarah #717-542-3217 (this is the best way to reach us)


NEW!! Venmo- @Keith-Lindsay-19
Checks: Heavens Light House c/o 4860 Carlisle Rd Dover Pa 17315 tab
Like to buy gift cards? Use (contact us for info)
Do you qualify for A Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) for your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD)? Consider Heavens Light House!!
(Tax refund letters are sent out at the beginning of each year)


© 2022, Heavens Light House. All rights reserved.

Heavens Light House

The Heavens Light House story is an on-going one rooted in family, faith, and God. Originally a dream, the story has come to life, the Lindsay family repeatedly used by God to minister as a 501C nonprofit organization in various ways and to those in need of healing. The story continues, and the HLH family eagerly awaits where it will go and who next will be influenced.

Published by
Heavens Light House

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