Categories: Newsletters

HLH November ’22 Newsletter



Dear Partners & Friends,

Happy Fall Y’all! We love to see the leaves change and enjoy the fall weather! It seems as if the fall schedule started earlier this year, but the addition of our mission’s trip has certainly made our life fuller! We helped two families with furniture, toiletries, and a blanket this month. We also gave some baby items to a woman who is due in December.

The YDC night was again a really great night! We had eleven volunteers go to visit the kids! They painted pumpkins and had an ice cream bar and the staff even made apple crisp! We have started asking the team for words of knowledge to share with the kids and have made it a priority to share those words and pray with them. This time they even gave prayer requests for the volunteers to pray about. Most have to do with their families and their situations. The team was able to pray for healing with pain in an arm and an eye. Some of the kids said they “felt better in their heart.” We are blessed to have Angie taking over this, she has a heart filled with compassion for these kids and is doing a great job organizing it! We want to keep sharing this because if you are interested in going to YDC with HLH this is your chance! Next year we will start going to YDC twice a month! We are planning to have a volunteer dinner/meeting January 2nd. This is the time to come and hear more about it!

House church was again in Dallastown at the Snyder home with our friend and ministry partner, Kim as our host. Noah and Bekah led us in some wonderful singing and leading us in a beautiful time of fellowship with our Savior. We are still asking for a mixer or speaker that will support more equipment as we continue to expand our worship team! One of the songs was called “Sound Mind” and as we sang God led Sarah to pray over one of the women for a sound mind. We also looked up the definition of a sound mind. Did you know that in the Greek it means to have a mind that “has been delivered, rescued, revived, salvaged, and protected and is now safe and secure”? When anxiety tries to ravage your mind, you only need to grab hold of God’s Word and let Holy Spirit shield your mind.  (2 Tim. 1:7) Hallelujah! This led to being able to pray with her and another woman later that night. We love how God leads and loves people at house church! Of course, the good food we get to eat together, and the sweet fellowship is great too! Our December house church is always fun as we celebrate Christmas with singing Christmas carols, playing a white elephant gift game and good food. Plus, we will be reporting about Uganda!

We still need around $3100 for our family to go to Uganda. We praise God that the rest of the team is now paid for!!  We believe God will provide all the funds needed! If you feel led to help us financially, see the ways below to give. We have enough money at this point to purchase land. Praise God! The next project will be building! Please mark Uganda building in the memo if you want to give financially to that.  We are leaving November 21st and will be home December 7th. Please pray for safe traveling the whole time we are gone. We will be working with women, children, and families while there. Preaching over the radio and at a church is also on the agenda as well as looking for land to purchase and spending time with our ministry partners in prayer and fellowship. Pray also for many to come to Jesus and for them to experience His love!

In Christ’s Love,

                                                                        Keith and Sarah Lindsay

HLH store: Apparel, Soy Candles (various shapes, sizes, and scents) and other products with HLH logo 
Spaghetti Dinner/Silent Auction-November 19th     *Check out our Facebook page to see auction items!!         
Heavens Light House: Silent Auction & Spaghetti Dinner (

Prayer Requests:
*For a new storage place large enough to put the furniture, household goods and clothing out for people to easily view
            *Continue to pray for the kids at YDC and for us when we go visit them. We want to see these kids experience God and to want Him in their lives.
We are seeing a great change in the staff and the kids! They want us to pray for them and with them! Praise God!
             * Uganda trip!
             *Please pray for more volunteers to want to help us with the various aspects of HLH. We are looking for a Fundraising Coordinator, a Financing Coordinator, a Volunteer Coordinator, a Partner Coordinator, and a Media Coordinator.
            *For more financial monthly partners so we can move Keith into full time ministry here in Pa and in Uganda

*Baby clothes /Baby items
*A 16’ box truck (0r trailer) for furniture pickup and delivery.
*A storage unit or warehouse for furniture, household supplies and clothing.  
*Gently Used Furniture 
***Mackie Mix8 8 channel compact mixer$89.00 (Amazon). This is for our expanded worship team!
*Video Camera Camcorderwe would like this to record our Uganda trip and house church!
*Andoer Lapel Microphone 2 pack-$19.98 (Amazon) Needed for recording
Contact Info:
HLH now has a dedicated phone line-our number is #717-891-2599
Keith #717-668-4979/ Sarah #717-542-3217 (this is the best way to reach us)

NEW!! Venmo- @Keith-Lindsay-19
Checks: Heavens Light House c/o 4860 Carlisle Rd Dover Pa 17315 tab. This will lead to Pay Pal
Do you qualify for A Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) for your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD)? Consider Heavens Light House!!
(Tax refund letters are sent out at the beginning of each year)


© 2022, Heavens Light House. All rights reserved.

Heavens Light House

The Heavens Light House story is an on-going one rooted in family, faith, and God. Originally a dream, the story has come to life, the Lindsay family repeatedly used by God to minister as a 501C nonprofit organization in various ways and to those in need of healing. The story continues, and the HLH family eagerly awaits where it will go and who next will be influenced.

Published by
Heavens Light House

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