Categories: Newsletters

HLH May ’22 Newsletter




Dear Partners & Friends,

What a busy month we had! We started off volunteering at The Shout Conference with Faith Like Birds. We were able to pray with many teens and adults as well as prophesy and watch God deliver kids from strongholds. We were able to reconnect with our friend Will Hart and meet some new friends! Sarah was even able to get Poppin’ John’s autograph! It was fun and such a joy and privilege to serve God with Brian and all the other volunteers and speakers.

The week of Easter was another fun and busy time! We met with our board and volunteers on Monday and split up all the food, kids’ baskets and filled easter eggs. Tuesday through Saturday we delivered Easter to 20 families. We gave out 53 baskets and almost 200 eggs were filled for the children to hunt! We also brought extra food to two families as well as clothing and other items to one very needy family. We were able to pray with a few of them and continued to create relationships with families we had visited at Christmas and Thanksgiving.

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! To all those that bought food, put Easter baskets together, donated candy and delivered. We could not do this with out you and we are so blessed to have a great group of friends and helpers working alongside of HLH.

We also had our Spring Wreath Fundraiser on April 8th. Ten ladies worked and laughed together as they created wreaths. Molly Hitz again was a terrific help, making bows and suggesting ways to make our wreaths pretty and pulled together. Our yard sale was a rousing success as well! We have about six women that come consistently to our sales and one of them has always been a little standoffish. But this time she said she hurt her pelvis, so Sarah, Gavyn and Bekah offered to pray with her. She said her pain level was a 10 and after Sarah prayed, we asked, “did your pain go down”? At first, she looked like she was just going to say no. Then she moved her hips, and we could see the look of surprise on her face. She said its down to a 7! We offered to pray again, which she declined, but what a breakthrough that was!! We also met and were able to chat with some new people and share HLH with them. Having a yard sale is such a simple way to meet people but it works!! We praise God for the house we are in at this time and the opportunity to be right along the road for people to see us.

We again went to our monthly Youth Development Center visit.  Amy Gotwalt brought an art project and shared some of her testimony and the gospel message. We also played the video called Walking Free by Micah Tyler. It was by far the most powerful time we have had there. We were able to pray with a few of the kids and speak to them about what they put on their art project. One boy had the word “thief” written on his. Sarah asked if that was the way the world saw him, and he said “yes” and cried. She asked if he saw himself that way and he said “no”. She was able to share that God did not see him that way either. Many of them had “failure” written on their art. One girl that we have seen a few times actually went out into the hallway with Sarah and shared with her some of what just happened in her life. (She was released and then brought back a week later because of truancy). Another girl that has been there for the past few months also allowed us to pray for her and talk with her. Sarah is even going back to read the Bible with her this week. Dominic Gotwalt also shared with the kids about when he was young. He asked the kids how many were struggling with their father and about half of them raised their hands. We were able to speak to one of the workers who was crying as Amy was talking. Please continue to pray with us, God is moving and more and more of the kids are becoming familiar with us which gives us an “in” to share and pray with them. We read in 2 Corinthians 5:16-21, that we have been given the ministry of reconciliation.  This was all because God through Christ was reconciling the whole world, and we have been given the message of reconciliation {5:19} and thus ambassadors for Christ.  This is exactly what we are doing at the YDC!


Two other families were also helped this month with food, household items and kids’ clothes.  God continues to expand our ministry and we thank Him for His Goodness and for you!! We have realized that God has put us in a place where we can bring ministers and those who need ministered to together. Neither of us has this huge, phenomenal testimony of substance abuse or tragedy in our lives to share. BUT we have the Love and Compassion of Jesus and the desire to see those who are fatherless to know Our Father who loves them! What a joy it is to watch as God uses others to speak to the ones that need Him the most. We are so blessed!

We have a huge need right now!

We will not have storage space for our furniture and donations anymore after JUNE 1st!! If you know anyone that has a place to rent please let us know!!

This is such a good way to minister to the families we meet. We do not want to stop this part of our ministry! We are believing that God will supply the place at little to no cost!


*Baby clothes /Baby items
****Action Bibles for the YDC kids -$20.42/ea for 24 kids =$490.08
*A 16’ box truck for furniture pick up and delivery. Most of the people we give furniture to do not have a way to pick it up. Our being able to deliver it would be a big help to them. Currently we rent a U-Haul or borrow a pickup truck if it doesn’t fit in the suburban.
*A storage unit or warehouse for furniture, household supplies and clothing. *We are losing our current storage as of JUNE 1st.
*Gently Used Furniture 
*Mackie Mix8 8 channel compact mixer- $89.00. This is for our expanded worship team!
*Video Camera Camcorder $46.83 —— —— These are for us to record house church and put on our social media
*Andoer Lapel Microphone 2 pack-$19.98
*75” Camera Tripod-$77.99

Prayer Requests:
            *For a new storage place!
            *Continue to pray for the kids at YDC and for us when we go visit them. We keep hearing that even the staff is excited to see us come! Praise God!! We continue to desire these kids to experience God and to want Him in their lives.
            *For us to hear what God is leading us to do and to be obedient to his Words
            *We are planning to go back to Uganda in November. Please pray for our friends in Uganda to know how and where to have us serve. We do know we are having house church! Also pray for the finances for our family to go. If you would like to donate to that specific ministry, please mark your donations accordingly.
            *We have another possible opportunity to minister in another kids home. Please pray for wisdom, timing, and volunteers!

        In Christ’s Love,

                                                                        Keith and Sarah Lindsay

Contact Info:
Keith #717-668-4979/ Sarah #717-542-3217 (this is the best way to reach us)

Venmo- @Keith-Lindsay-19
Checks: Heavens Light House c/o 4860 Carlisle Rd Dover Pa 17315 tab
Like to buy gift cards? Use (contact us for info)
Do you qualify for A Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) for your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD)? Consider Heavens Light House!!
(Tax refund letters are sent out at the beginning of each year)





© 2022, Heavens Light House. All rights reserved.

Heavens Light House

The Heavens Light House story is an on-going one rooted in family, faith, and God. Originally a dream, the story has come to life, the Lindsay family repeatedly used by God to minister as a 501C nonprofit organization in various ways and to those in need of healing. The story continues, and the HLH family eagerly awaits where it will go and who next will be influenced.

Published by
Heavens Light House

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