Categories: Newsletters

HLH February ’22 Newsletter




Dear Partners & Friends,

This past month we spent quite a bit of time listening to God about His plans for HLH this year. We were blessed with a free place to stay in South Carolina for a long weekend. We had a mini vacation with Josh and Bekah and also spent time hearing from God and looking ahead to 2022! One of the things we are working on doing this year is fine tuning how we do the things that God has given us to do. The house church schedule here is part of this fine tuning. We have scheduled the whole year so that you can put the dates on the calendar as well. This gives you the opportunity to also see where you can help us by opening up your home for house church!!

We had house church at Sandy’s home in January and we were excited to have Noah Isner come and play the keyboard and help lead worship with Sarah. We were also able to pray for Amy and Gavyn Gotwalt and send them out to Kenya for a short-term mission trip! We are looking forward to hearing what God did with them and through them in Kenya.

We were able to help a family with food this month and also a single mother with bedroom furniture. Our biggest joy and blessing in January was the marriage of Carmen and Keith Jackson!! We were able to help supply some of the wedding items as well as help them plan the wedding and then we were able to stand with them as they committed to themselves to each other before God.

We had a great time at the Youth Development Center this past Monday! We played volleyball with a huge beach ball and also played an icebreaker game with another beach ball. There were a few kids there that we had met in December, and it was good to be able to find out what was happening in their lives. Brian from Faith Like Birds was with us again as well as some other volunteers. We were able to pray for one of the girls and had a lot of fun continuing to build relationships. We plan to go every month so if you are interested in joining us, please contact us! If we can get enough volunteers, we would really like to go twice each month. That would give us more opportunity to keep getting to know the kids better and have a chance to share Jesus with them!

The following is a “blurb” from Keith’s talk at house church:  John 2:1-11 was the scripture he spoke from.  This is the first miracle Jesus performed at a wedding, changing the water into wine. Keith pointed out the things that God showed him in that miracle and then shared the most interesting one to him was how Jesus honored his mother’s faith that he would do something miraculous (Verses 3-6).  Jesus responded to her faith and to her words of faith and then did the miracle in spite of the fact that it wasn’t “his time yet”. Did you know your faith and your words of faith can move Jesus today like his mom moved him so many years ago? That’s the kind of faith we desire to have, and we pray the same for you!

*Baby clothes /Baby items
*Candy or snack bags and encouraging notes for us to take to the YDC kids.
A 10’ x 10’ box trailer (this is for us to take hot food to the homeless) The cost is approximately between $4,000-$12,000 depending on the year. ***We have decided to put this on hold and concentrate on a truck to pick up furniture.
A 16’ box truck for furniture pick up and delivery. Most of the people we give furniture to do not have a way to pick it up. Our being able to deliver it would be a big help to them.
*The cost for our logo to be painted on our Suburban is $400.00 PRAISE! This money was donated and we are waiting for it to be done!!
*A storage unit or warehouse for furniture, household supplies and clothing. *This is becoming more imperative as we continue to expand our furniture giving and we are receiving more donations
*Gently Used Furniture

Prayer Requests

            *Continue to pray for the kids at YDC and for us when we go visit them. We are believing and praying for more miraculous encounters that lead them to Jesus! For more volunteers to come with us to YDC
            *For us to hear what God is leading us to do and to be obedient to his Words
            *Uganda-wisdom for timing for a future trip

        In Christ’s Love,

                                                                        Keith and Sarah Lindsay

Contact Info:
Keith #717-668-4979/ Sarah #717-542-3217 (this is the best way to reach us)

Checks: Heavens Light House c/o 4860 Carlisle Rd Dover Pa 17315 tab
Like to buy gift cards? Use (contact us for info)
Do you qualify for A Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) for your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD)? Consider Heavens Light House!!
(Tax refund letters are sent out at the beginning of each year)





© 2022, Heavens Light House. All rights reserved.

Heavens Light House

The Heavens Light House story is an on-going one rooted in family, faith, and God. Originally a dream, the story has come to life, the Lindsay family repeatedly used by God to minister as a 501C nonprofit organization in various ways and to those in need of healing. The story continues, and the HLH family eagerly awaits where it will go and who next will be influenced.

Published by
Heavens Light House

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